Quotes From "The Sin Eater's Daughter" By Melinda Salisbury

I’ve learned that being alone and being lonely are not the same thing. Once I was surrounded by people and lonely for it, but now I’m alone and I’ve never been so content. Melinda Salisbury
Forgive me again.” He lifts the carafe and refreshes his goblet. “What happened to those two children who laughed at dandelion fuzz?” he says softly. “Are they gone forever, do you think? Melinda Salisbury
We’re to be married. Does it matter if I permit it?”“ To me it does, yes, ” says Merek. “And I imagine you, like me, appreciate the illusion of having a choice, even when illusion is all it is. Melinda Salisbury
But I want you, ” he smiles at me. “Not just to make me a king. I’ve always wanted you. Despite it all, you are still the bride I would choose. I do choose you. Melinda Salisbury
I've read all of the old stories now — "Red Blood and Dirty Gold", "The Winter Witch", "The Scarlet Varulv" — and I want more. Though I want fantasy — made-up, impossible things — I don't want stories that step out of the pages and into the world around me. Melinda Salisbury